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4. Полина [polafan]  (16.01.2012 17:55)
I watched a presentation on theme of "The History of Hollywood". Overall, I liked this presentation. There is a bright and colorful design, a lot of photos and pictures. Cognitive and interesting information. But it was hard to read the information on the slides, because the text is merged with the pictures. I learned many new facts about the film industry in Hollywood. Most of all I was interested in facts about Disneyland, because it's my dream, to go to there and experience the magic atmosphere. Thanks to the author for it!

3. Anna V.   (15.01.2012 13:04)
Religion. Christianity. Orthodoxy - excellent presentation. The theme of orthodox church is perfectly opened. All ideas and the purposes, shortly and clearly.

2. Dmitriy   (13.01.2012 00:59)
Hello. I don't know who is author (presentation: Ecology). I think, this theme really actually nowadays, because we have problems with our air and water. It's exellent work with explanation, what mean some terms. Also i can say, that he (she) consult with his aim (explain: What is air polution and water polution). I am disagree about Global warming! Global warming are dangerous, it don't "made our life is possible". May be you want to say: "IF Global warming don't abnormal, it made out life is possible", but now... It's problem number one, because this phenomenon influence on glacier (it thaw) and this have terrible consequences. Thank you for your presentation, it's pretty good!

1. Каролина   (12.01.2012 09:02)
I Would look at Timofeevoj Darya's presentation from 8 classes. Seven well-known days in England. Work to me has seemed to the excellent! Especially for the age. A lot of very interesting information. I have learned a lot of the English people new from life. It was interesting to read about the Valentine's day and Sacred Patrick. The presentation postscoring has pleased it was not boring to read articles. Pictures too were very competent and pertinent. To minuses I can carry monotone of templates for presentation. When you look презинтацию in the big format it is necessary to glance over each slide and the text. It not so conveniently also has distracted from work. As a whole presentation super. It was pleasant to me.

1-15 16-30 31-34

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